Code de pays |
Nom anglais |
Nom français |
001h (1) |
United States |
États-Unis |
002h (2) |
Canadian-French |
Canadien français/Québec |
003h (3) |
Latin America |
Amérique latine |
004h (4) |
Canada (English) |
Canada anglais |
007h (7) |
Russia |
Russie |
014h (20) |
Egypt |
Égypte |
01Bh (27) |
South Africa |
Afrique du Sud |
01Eh (30) |
Greece |
Grèce |
01Fh (31) |
Netherlands |
Pays-Bas |
020h (32) |
Belgium |
Belgique |
021h (33) |
France |
France |
022h (34) |
Spain |
Espagne |
023h (35) |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarie |
024h (36) |
Hungary |
Hongrie |
026h (38) |
Yugoslavia |
Yougoslavie |
027h (39) |
Italy / San Marino / Vatican City |
Italie / Saint-Marin / État de la cité du Vatican |
028h (40) |
Romania |
Roumanie |
029h (41) |
Switzerland / Liechtenstein |
Suisse |
02Ah (42) |
Czechoslovakia / Tjekia / Slovakia |
République tchèque / Slovaquie |
02Bh (43) |
Austria |
Autriche |
02Ch (44) |
United Kingdom |
Royaume-Uni |
02Dh (45) |
Denmark |
Danemark |
02Eh (46) |
Sweden |
Suède |
02Fh (47) |
Norway |
Norvège |
030h (48) |
Poland |
Pologne |
031h (49) |
Germany |
Allemagne |
033h (51) |
Peru |
Pérou |
034h (52) |
Mexico |
Mexique |
035h (53) |
Cuba |
Cuba |
036h (54) |
Argentina |
Argentine |
037h (55) |
Brazil |
Brésil |
038h (56) |
Chile |
Chili |
039h (57) |
Columbia |
Columbie |
03Ah (58) |
Venezuela |
Venezuela |
03Ch (60) |
Malaysia |
Venezuela |
03Dh (61) |
International English / Australia |
Anglais interational / Australie |
03Eh (62) |
Indonesia / East Timor |
Indonésie / Timor oriental |
03Fh (63) |
Philippines |
Philippines |
040h (64) |
New Zealand |
Nouvelle Zélande |
041h (65) |
Singapore |
Singapour |
042h (66) |
Thailand |
Thaïlande |
051h (81) |
Japan |
Japon |
052h (82) |
South Korea |
Corée du Sud |
054h (84) |
Vietnam |
Vietnam |
056h (86) |
China |
Chine |
058h (88) |
Taiwan |
Taiwan |
05Ah (90) |
Turkey |
Turquie |
05Bh (91) |
India |
Inde |
05Ch (92) |
Pakistan |
Pakistan |
05Dh (93) |
Afghanistan |
Afghanistan |
05Eh (94) |
Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka |
062h (98) |
Iran |
Iran |
063h (99) |
Asia (English) |
Asie (anglais) |
066h (102) |
Hebrew |
Hébreu |
070h (112) |
Belarus |
Biélorussie |
0C8h (200) |
Thailand |
Thaïlande |
0D4h (212) |
Morocco |
Maroc |
0D5h (213) |
Algeria |
Algérie |
0D8h (216) |
Tunisia |
Tunisie |
0DAh (218) |
Libya |
Lybie |
0DCh (220) |
Gambia |
Gambie |
0DDh (221) |
Senegal |
Sénégal |
0DEh (222) |
Mauritania |
Mauritanie |
0DFh (223) |
Mali |
Mali |
0E0h (224) |
African Guinea |
Afrique-Guinée |
0E1h (225) |
Ivory Coast |
Côte D''Ivoire |
0E2h (226) |
Burkina Faso |
Burkina Faso |
0E3h (227) |
Niger |
Niger |
0E4h (228) |
Togo |
Togo |
0E5h (229) |
Benin |
Bénin |
0E6h (230) |
Mauritius |
Ile Maurice |
0E7h (231) |
Liberia |
Libéria |
0E8h (232) |
Sierra Leone |
Sierra Leone |
0E9h (233) |
Ghana |
Ghana |
0EAh (234) |
Nigeria |
Nigéria |
0EBh (235) |
Chad |
Tchad |
0ECh (236) |
Centra African Republic |
République Centrafricaine |
0EDh (237) |
Cameroon |
Cameroun |
0EEh (238) |
Cape Verde Islands |
Cap-Vert |
0EFh (239) |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Sao Tomé et Prince |
0F0h (240) |
Equatorial Guinea |
Guinée Équatoriale |
0F1h (241) |
Gabon |
Gabon |
0F2h (242) |
Congo |
Congo |
0F3h (243) |
Zaire |
Zaire |
0F4h (244) |
Angola |
Angola |
0F5h (245) |
Guinea-Bissau |
Guinée-Bissau |
0F6h (246) |
Diego Garcia |
Diego Garcia |
0F7h (247) |
Ascension Isle |
Ile de l'ascension |
0F8h (248) |
Seychelles |
Seychelles |
0F9h (249) |
Sudan |
Soudan |
0FAh (250) |
Rwhanda |
Rwanda |
0FBh (251) |
Ethiopia |
Éthiopie |
0FCh (252) |
Somalia |
Somalie |
0FDh (253) |
Djibouti |
Djibouti |
0FEh (254) |
Kenya |
Kenya |
0FFh (255) |
Tanzania |
Tanzanie |
100h (256) |
Uganda |
Uganda |
101h (257) |
Burundi |
Burundi |
103h (259) |
Mozambique |
Mozambique |
104h (260) |
Zambia |
Zambie |
105h (261) |
Madagascar |
Madagascar |
106h (262) |
Reunion Island |
Ile de la Réunion |
107h (263) |
Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe |
108h (264) |
Namibia |
Namibie |
109h (265) |
Malawi |
Malawi |
10Ah (266) |
Lesotho |
Lesotho |
10Bh (267) |
Botswana |
Iles Bouvet |
10Ch (268) |
Swaziland |
Swaziland |
10Dh (269) |
Comoros |
Comores |
10Eh (270) |
Mayotte |
Mayotte |
122h (290) |
St. Helena |
Sainte Hélène |
129h (297) |
Aruba |
Aruba |
12Ah (298) |
Faroe Islands |
Iles Féroé |
12Bh (299) |
Greenland |
Groenland |
15Eh (350) |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
15Fh (351) |
Portugal |
Portugal |
160h (352) |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
161h (353) |
Ireland |
Irlande |
162h (354) |
Iceland |
Islande |
163h (355) |
Albania |
Albanie |
164h (356) |
Malta |
Malte |
165h (357) |
Cyprus |
Chypre |
166h (358) |
Finland |
Finlande |
167h (359) |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarie |
172h (370) |
Lithuania |
Lituanie |
173h (371) |
Latvia |
Lettonie |
174h (372) |
Estonia |
Estonie |
175h (373) |
Moldova |
Moldavie |
17Ch (380) |
Ukraine |
Ukraine |
17Dh (381) |
Serbia / Montenegro |
Serbie / Montenegro |
180h (384) |
Croatia |
Croatie |
181h (385) |
Croatia |
Croatie |
182h (386) |
Slovenia |
Slovénie |
183h (387) |
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Latin) |
Bosnie et Herzégovine (Latine) |
184h (388) |
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Cyrillic) |
Bosnie et Herzégovine (Cyrillic) |
185h (389) |
FYR Macedonia |
Macédoine |
1A5h (421) |
Czech Republic / Tjekia |
République tchèque |
1A6h (422) |
Slovakia |
Slovaquie |
1F4h (500) |
Falkland Islands |
Iles Malouines |
1F5h (501) |
Belize |
Belize |
1F6h (502) |
Guatemala |
Guatemala |
1F7h (503) |
El Salvador |
Salvador |
1F8h (504) |
Honduras |
Le Honduras |
1F9h (505) |
Nicraragua |
Nicaragua |
1FAh (506) |
Costa Rica |
Costa Rica |
1FBh (507) |
Panama |
Costa Rica |
1FCh (508) |
St. Pierre and Miquelon |
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon |
1FDh (509) |
Haiti |
Haïti |
24Eh (590) |
Guadeloupe |
Guadeloupe |
24Fh (591) |
Bolivia |
Bolivie |
250h (592) |
Guyana |
Guyane |
251h (593) |
Ecuador |
Équateur |
252h (594) |
rench Guiana |
Guyane |
253h (595) |
Paraguay |
Paraguay |
254h (596) |
Martinique / French Antilles |
Martinique / Antilles française |
255h (597) |
Suriname |
Suriname |
256h (598) |
Uruguay |
Uruguay |
257h (599) |
Netherland Antilles |
Antilles néerlandaises |
29Ah (666) |
Russia |
Russie |
29Bh (667) |
Poland |
Pologne |
29Ch (668) |
Poland/Slavic |
Pologne/Slavique |
29Eh (670) |
Saipan / N. Mariana Island |
Mariannes du Nord |
29Fh (671) |
Guam |
Guam |
2A0h (672) |
Norfolk Island (Australia) / Christmas Island / Cocos Islands / Antartica |
Ile de Norfolk (Australie) / Ile Christmas / Iles Cocos-Keeling / Antarctique |
2A1h (673) |
Brunei Darussalam |
Brunei |
2A2h (674) |
Nauru |
Nauru |
2A3h (675) |
Papua New Guinea |
Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée |
2A4h (676) |
Tonga Islands |
Tonga |
2A5h (677) |
Solomon Islands |
Iles Salomon |
2A6h (678) |
Vanuatu |
Vanuatu |
2A7h (679) |
Fiji |
Iles Fidji |
2A8h (680) |
Palau |
Palau |
2A9h (681) |
Wallis & Futuna |
Wallis et Futuna |
2AAh (682) |
Cook Islands |
Iles Cook |
2ABh (683) |
Niue |
Niue |
2ACh (684) |
American Samoa |
Samoa américaine |
2ADh (685) |
Western Samoa |
Samoa de l'ouest |
2AEh (686) |
Kiribati |
Kiribati |
2AFh (687) |
New Caledonia |
Nouvelle Calédonie |
2B0h (688) |
Tuvalu |
Tuvalu (Iles) |
2B1h (689) |
French Polynesia |
Polynésie française |
2B2h (690) |
Tokealu |
Iles Tokelau |
2B3h (691) |
Micronesia |
Micronésie |
2B4h (692) |
Marshall Islands |
Iles Marshall |
311h (785) |
Arabic (Middle East/Saudi Arabia/...) |
Arabique (Moyen-Orient/Arabie Saoudite/...) |
324h (804) |
Ukraine (Middle East/Saudi Arabia/...) |
Ukraine (Moyen-Orient/Arabie Saoudite/...) |
329h (809) |
Antigua and Barbuda / Anguilla / Bahamas / Barbados / Bermuda /
British Virgin Islands / Cayman Islands / Dominica /
Dominican Republic / Grenada / Jamaica / Montserra /
St. Kitts and Nevis / St. Lucia / St. Vincent and Grenadines /
Trinidad and Tobago / Turks and Caicos
Antigua and Barbuda / Anguilla / Bahamas / La Barbade / Bermudes /
Iles Vierges britanniques / Iles Caïmans / La Dominique /
République Dominicaine / Grenade / Jamaïque / Montserrat /
Saint-Christopher et Nevis (Iles) / Sainte-Lucie / Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines /
Trinité-et-Tobago / Iles Turks et Caïcos
352h (850) |
North Korea |
Corée du Nord |
354h (852) |
Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
355h (853) |
Macao |
Macao |
357h (855) |
Cambodia |
Cambodge |
358h (856) |
Laos |
République Démocratique populaire du Laos |
370h (880) |
Bangladesh |
Bangladesh |
376h (886) |
Taiwan |
Taiwan |
3C0h (960) |
Maldives |
Maldives |
3C1h (961) |
Lebanon |
Liban |
3C2h (962) |
Jordan |
Jordanie |
3C3h (963) |
Syria / Syrian Arab Republic |
Syrie / République arabe syrienne |
3C4h (964) |
Iraq |
Irak |
3C5h (965) |
Kuwait |
Koweït |
3C6h (966) |
Saudi Arabia |
Arabie Saoudite |
3C7h (967) |
Yemen |
Yémen |
3C8h (968) |
Oman |
Oman |
3C9h (969) |
Yemen |
Yémen |
3CBh (971) |
United Arab Emirates |
Émirats Arabes Unis |
3CCh (972) |
Israel (Hebrew) |
Israël (Hébreu) |
3CDh (973) |
Bahrain |
Bahreïn |
3CEh (974) |
Qatar |
Qatar |
3CFh (975) |
Bhutan |
Bhoutan |
3D0h (976) |
Mongolia |
Mongolie |
3D1h (977) |
Nepal |
Népal |
3E3h (995) |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Myanmar (Union de) |