Émulateur de microprocesseur 6502
Un émulateur de microprocesseur 6502 permet d'exécuter le code qu'exécuterait le microprocesseur 6502 utilisé par exemple dans les Apple II et la NES de Nintendo. L'émulateur 6502 en soi ne fait qu'imiter le comportement d'une puce et il ne rend pas automatiquement exécutable tout logiciel écrit pour les micro-ordinateurs et les consoles de jeux. Ainsi, pour que l'émulateur puisse exécuter des logiciels dédiés à des plateformes particulières, il doit également imiter le comportement des puces électroniques dédié à l'affichage, au son et aux périphériques y étant connecté. La puce 6502 n'a pas de port d'entrée/sortie à gérer, donc, tous signal envoyé à l'électronique passe directement par l'affectation d'une cellule mémoire de la RAM. Aussi, la pile gérable est d'un maximum de 256 octets et est toujours situé à l'adresse 0100h.
Le rôle d'un émulateur 6502 n'est pas si compliqué en soi, il s'agit de passer un par un chaque octet de mémoire (opcode) et d'effectuer les actions en mémoire en fonction de l'opération demandée. Une opération peut être, une addition, une soustraction, des tests, des opérateurs binaires, des déplacements du compteur de programme en mémoire, l'affectation de la pile,... Voici un schéma d'un émulateur 6502 :

Il est à noter également que le code suivant n'est pas optimisé pour le compilateur Turbo Pascal. Ainsi, il n'utilise pas les procédures INC et DEC afin d'incrémenter ou décrémenter des valeurs, mais plutôt une affectation manuelle. Le but de l'exemple suivant est de monter le fonctionnement et de rendre facilement portable le code sous différentes marques de compilateurs Pascal. Dans cet exemple, étant donné que l'émulateur ne contient rien dans la mémoire de la RAM de l'émulateur (variable «memory»), il arrêtera immédiatement à l'instruction d'opcode BRK. Ce sera à vous de charger des données afin pouvoir tester le comportement de routines Assembleur 6502.
L'émulateur à la fonctionnalité du débogueur d'instruction activé par défaut, lequel affiche la valeur des registres et sa position d'exécution entre chaque instruction exécutée. Il va de soit, que cette option n'est pas indispensables à l'émulateur mais permet aux développeurs de suivre facilement, pas à pas, ce qui se passe dans le programme tentant d'être exécuté.
- Program emul6502;
- Const
- DebugOn:Boolean=True;
- Var
- codeRunning:Boolean;
- A:Byte; { Registre accumulateur }
- X:Byte; { Registre d'index X }
- Y:Byte; { Registre d'index Y }
- P:Byte; { Registre d'etat de processeur }
- PC:Word; { Registre de compteur der programmes }
- SP:Word; { Registre de pointeur de pile }
- memory:Array[0..16384] of Byte;
- Procedure InitEmul;Begin
- codeRunning:=True;
- A:=0;
- X:=0;
- Y:=0;
- P:=0;
- PC:=$600;
- SP:=$100;
- End;
- Function num2hex(nr:Byte):String;
- Const
- HexStr:Array[0..15]of Char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f');
- Begin
- num2hex := HexStr[(nr and $f0) shr 4] + HexStr[nr and $F];
- End;
- Function addr2hex(address:Word):String;Begin
- addr2hex := num2hex((address shr 8) and $ff)+num2hex(address and $ff);
- End;
- Function popByte:Byte;Begin
- popByte := memory[PC] and $ff;
- PC := PC + 1;
- End;
- Function popWord:Word;Begin
- popWord := popByte + (popByte shl 8);
- End;
- Procedure stackPush(value:Byte);Begin
- If SP >= 0 Then Begin
- SP := SP - 1;
- memory[(SP and $ff)+$100] := value and $ff;
- End
- else
- Begin
- WriteLn('Pile pleine: ',SP);
- codeRunning := false;
- End;
- End;
- Function stackPop:Byte;Begin
- If SP < $100 Then Begin
- stackPop := memory[SP+$100];
- SP := SP + 1;
- End
- else
- Begin
- WriteLn('Pile vide');
- codeRunning := false;
- stackPop:=0;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure jumpBranch(offset:Word);Begin
- If offset > $7f Then PC := PC - ($100 - offset) Else PC := PC + offset;
- End;
- Procedure memStoreByte(address:Word; value:Byte);Begin
- memory[address] := (value and $ff);
- End;
- Function memReadByte(address:Word):Byte;Begin
- memReadByte := memory[address];
- End;
- Procedure testADC(value:Byte);
- Var
- tmp:Word;
- Begin
- If (A xor value) and $80 = $80 Then P := P and $bf else P := P or $40;
- If P and 8 = 8 Then Begin
- tmp := (A and $0f) + (value and $0f) + (P and 1);
- If tmp >= 10 Then tmp := $10 or ((tmp+6) and $0f);
- tmp := tmp + (A and $f0) + (value and $f0);
- If tmp >= 160 Then Begin
- P := P or 1;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (tmp >= $180 ) Then P := P and $bf;
- tmp := tmp + $60;
- End
- else
- Begin
- P := P and $fe;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and ( tmp < $80 ) Then P := P and $bf;
- End;
- End
- else
- Begin
- tmp := A + value + (P and 1);
- If tmp >= $100 Then Begin
- P := P or 1;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (tmp >= $180) Then P := P and $bf;
- End
- else
- Begin
- P := P and $fe;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (tmp < $80) Then P := P and $bf;
- End;
- End;
- A := tmp and $ff;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- Procedure testSBC(value:Byte);
- Var
- tmp,w:Word;
- Begin
- If P and 8 = 8 Then Begin
- tmp := $0f + (A and $0f) - (value and $0f) + (P and 1);
- If tmp < $10 Then Begin
- w := 0;
- tmp := tmp - 6;
- End
- else
- Begin
- w := $10;
- tmp := tmp - $10;
- End;
- w := w +$f0 + (A and $f0) - (value and $f0);
- If w < $100 Then Begin
- P := P and $fe;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (w < $80) Then P := P and $bf;
- w := w - $60;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- P := P or 1;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (w >= $180) Then P := P and $bf;
- End;
- w := w + tmp;
- End
- else
- Begin
- w := $ff + A - value + (P and 1);
- If w < $100 Then Begin
- P := P and $fe;
- If (P and $bf <> 0) and (w < $80) Then P := P and $bf;
- End
- else
- Begin
- P := P or 1;
- If(P and $bf<>0) and (w >= $180) Then P := P and $bf;
- End;
- End;
- A := w and $ff;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- Procedure doCompare(reg,val:Word);Begin
- if (reg+val) > $ff Then P := P or 1 else P := P and $fe;
- val := (reg-val);
- If val <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If val and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- Procedure ExecEmul;
- Var
- opcode,zp,offset:Byte;
- currAddr,address,value,sf:Word;
- Begin
- If Not(codeRunning)Then Exit;
- opcode := popByte;
- If(DebugOn)Then WriteLn('PC=', addr2hex(PC-1), ' opcode=', opcode, ' X=', X, ' Y=', Y, ' A=', A, ' P=', P);
- Case opcode of
- $00: { BRK implicite }
- codeRunning := false;
- $01:Begin { ORA INDX }
- address := popByte + X;
- value := memReadByte(address) + (memReadByte( address+1) shl 8);
- A := A or Lo(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $05:Begin { ORA ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- A := A or memReadByte(zp);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $06:Begin { ASL ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte( zp );
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- memStoreByte( zp, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $08: { PHP }
- stackPush(P);
- $09:Begin { ORA IMM }
- A := A or popByte;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $0a:Begin { ASL IMPL }
- P := (P and $fe) or ((A shr 7) and 1);
- A := A shl 1;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $0d: { ORA ABS }
- Begin
- A := A or memReadByte( popWord );
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $0e:Begin { ASL ABS }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or 2;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $10:Begin { BPL }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and $80 = 0 Then jumpBranch( offset );
- End;
- $11:Begin { ORA INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8) + Y;
- A := A or memReadByte(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd Else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $15:Begin { ORA ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- A := A or memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $16:Begin { ASL ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 <> $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $18: { CLC }
- P := P and $fe;
- $19:Begin { ORA ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- A := A or memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $1d:Begin { ORA ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- A := A or memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $1e:Begin { ASL ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $20:Begin { JSR ABS }
- address := popWord;
- currAddr := PC - 1;
- stackPush((currAddr shr 8) and $ff);
- stackPush(currAddr and $ff);
- PC := address;
- End;
- $21:Begin { AND INDX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address) + (memReadByte(address + 1) shl 8);
- A := A and value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $24:Begin { BIT ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte( zp );
- If value and A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- P := (P and $3f) or (value and $c0);
- End;
- $25:Begin { AND ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- A := A and memReadByte( zp );
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or 2;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P and $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $26:Begin { ROL ZP }
- sf := (P and 1);
- address := popByte;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- value := value or sf;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $28: { PLP }
- P := stackPop or $20;
- $29:Begin { AND IMM }
- A := A and popByte;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $2a:Begin { ROL A }
- sf := (P and 1);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((A shr 7) and 1);
- A := A shl 1;
- A := A or sf;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $2c:Begin { BIT ABS }
- value := memReadByte(popWord);
- If value and A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- P := (P and $3f) or (value and $c0);
- End;
- $2d:Begin { AND ABS }
- value := memReadByte(popWord);
- A := A and value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80=$80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $2e:Begin { ROL ABS }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- value := value or sf;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $30:Begin { BMI }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and $80 <> $80 Then jumpBranch( offset );
- End;
- $31:Begin { AND INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8) + Y;
- A := A and memReadByte(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $35:Begin { AND INDX }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8) + X;
- A := A and memReadByte(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $36:Begin { ROL ZPX }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- value := value or sf;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $38: { SEC }
- P := P or 1;
- $39:Begin { AND ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- A := A and value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $3d:Begin { AND ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- A := A and value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $3e:Begin { ROL ABSX }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or ((value shr 7) and 1);
- value := value shl 1;
- value := value or sf;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $40:; { RTI (non-supporté, =NOP) }
- $41:Begin { EOR INDX }
- zp := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8);
- A := A xor memReadByte(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $45:Begin { EOR ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- A := A xor value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $46:Begin { LSR ZP }
- address := popByte and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or 2;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $48: { PHA }
- stackPush(A);
- $49:Begin { EOR IMM }
- A := A xor popByte;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P + $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $4a:Begin { LSR }
- P := (P and $fe) or (A and 1);
- A := A shr 1;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $4c: { JMP abs }
- PC := popWord;
- $4d:Begin { EOR abs }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- A := A xor value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $4e:Begin { LSR abs }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $50:Begin { BVC (efface le debordement) }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and $40 = 0 Then jumpBranch(offset);
- End;
- $51:Begin { EOR INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8) + Y;
- A := A xor memReadByte(value);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $55:Begin { EOR ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- A := A xor memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $56:Begin { LSR ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $58:; { CLI (ne fait rien) }
- $59:Begin { EOR ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- A := A xor value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $5d:Begin { EOR ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- A := A xor value;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $5e:Begin { LSR ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $60: { RTS }
- PC := (stackPop + 1) or (stackPop shl 8);
- $61:Begin { ADC INDX }
- zp := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8);
- value := memReadByte(address);
- testADC( value );
- End;
- $65:Begin { ADC ZP }
- address := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $66:Begin { ROR ZP }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := popByte;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- If sf <> 0 Then value := value or $80;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $68:Begin { PLA }
- A := stackPop;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $69:Begin { ADC IMM }
- value := popByte;
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $6a:Begin { ROR A }
- sf := P and 1;
- P := (P and $fe) or (A and 1);
- A := A shr 1;
- If sf <> 0 Then A := A or $80;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $6c: { JMP INDIR }
- PC := memReadByte(popByte) + (memReadByte(popByte) shl 8);
- $6d:Begin { ADC ABS }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $6e:Begin { ROR ABS }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- If sf <> 0 Then value := value or $80;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $70:Begin { BVS (branch on overflow set) }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and $40 = $40 Then jumpBranch(offset);
- End;
- $71:Begin { ADC INY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp + 1) shl 8);
- value := memReadByte(address + Y);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $75:Begin { ADC ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $76:Begin { ROR ZPX }
- sf := (P and 1);
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- If sf <> 0 Then value := value or $80;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $78:; { SEI (ne fait rien) }
- $79:Begin { ADC ABSY }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address + Y);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $7d:Begin { ADC ABSX }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address + X);
- testADC(value);
- End;
- $7e:Begin { ROR ABSX }
- sf := P and 1;
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- value := value shr 1;
- If value <> 0 Then value := value or $80;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P and $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $81:Begin { STA INDX }
- zp := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8);
- memStoreByte(address, A);
- End;
- $84: { STY ZP }
- memStoreByte( popByte, Y);
- $85: { STA ZP }
- memStoreByte( popByte, A);
- $86: { STX ZP }
- memStoreByte( popByte, X);
- $88:Begin { DEY (1 octet) }
- Y := (Y-1) and $ff;
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $8a:Begin { TXA (1 octet); }
- A := X and $ff;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $8c: { STY abs }
- memStoreByte( popWord, Y );
- $8d: { STA ABS (3 octets) }
- memStoreByte( popWord, A );
- $8e: { STX abs }
- memStoreByte( popWord, X );
- $90:Begin { BCC (branchement dans l'effacement de retenue) }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and 1 = 0 Then jumpBranch( offset );
- End;
- $91:Begin { STA INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp + 1) shl 8) + Y;
- memStoreByte(address, A);
- End;
- $94: { STY ZPX }
- memStoreByte( popByte + X, Y );
- $95: { STA ZPX }
- memStoreByte( popByte + X, A );
- $96: { STX ZPY }
- memStoreByte( popByte + Y, X );
- $98:Begin { TYA }
- A := Y and $ff;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $99: { STA ABSY }
- memStoreByte( popWord + Y, A );
- $9a: { TXS }
- SP := X and $ff;
- $9d:Begin { STA ABSX }
- address := popWord;
- memStoreByte(address + X, A);
- End;
- $a0:Begin { LDY IMM }
- Y := popByte;
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a1:Begin { LDA INDX }
- zp := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp + 1) shl 8);
- A := memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a2:Begin { LDX IMM }
- X := popByte;
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a4:Begin { LDY ZP }
- Y := memReadByte(popByte);
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a5:Begin { LDA ZP }
- A := memReadByte(popByte);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a6:Begin { LDX ZP }
- X := memReadByte(popByte);
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a8:Begin { TAY }
- Y := A and $ff;
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $a9:Begin { LDA IMM }
- A := popByte;
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $aa:Begin { TAX }
- X := A and $ff;
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $ac:Begin { LDY ABS }
- Y := memReadByte(popWord);
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $ad:Begin { LDA ABS }
- A := memReadByte(popWord);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $ae:Begin { LDX ABS }
- X := memReadByte(popWord);
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $b0:Begin { BCS }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and 1 = 1 Then jumpBranch(offset);
- End;
- $b1:Begin { LDA INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8) + Y;
- A := memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $b4:Begin { LDY ZPX }
- Y := memReadByte(popByte + X);
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y = Y and $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $b5:Begin { LDA ZPX }
- A := memReadByte((popByte + X) and $ff);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $b6:Begin { LDX ZPY }
- X := memReadByte(popByte + Y);
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $b8: { CLV }
- P := P and $bf;
- $b9:Begin { LDA ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- A := memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $ba: { TSX }
- X := SP and $ff;
- $bc:Begin { LDY ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- Y := memReadByte(address);
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $bd:Begin { LDA ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- A := memReadByte(address);
- If A <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If A and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $be:Begin { LDX ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- X := memReadByte(address);
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $c0:Begin { CPY IMM }
- value := popByte;
- If Y + value > $ff Then P := P or 1 else P := P and $fe;
- value := Y-value;
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $c1:Begin { CMP INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp + 1) shl 8) + Y;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- doCompare(A, value);
- End;
- $c4:Begin { CPY ZP }
- value := memReadByte(popByte);
- doCompare(Y, value);
- End;
- $c5:Begin { CMP ZP }
- value := memReadByte(popByte);
- doCompare(A, value);
- End;
- $c6:Begin { DEC ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp);
- value := value - 1;
- memStoreByte( zp, value and $ff );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $c8:Begin { INY }
- Y := (Y + 1) and $ff;
- If Y <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If Y and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $c9:Begin { CMP IMM }
- value := popByte;
- doCompare( A, value );
- End;
- $ca:Begin { DEX }
- X := (X - 1) and $ff;
- If X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $cc:Begin { CPY ABS }
- value := memReadByte(popWord);
- doCompare(Y, value);
- End;
- $cd:Begin { CMP ABS }
- value := memReadByte(popWord);
- doCompare(A, value);
- End;
- $ce:Begin { DEC ABS }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- value := value - 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 Else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $d0:Begin { BNE }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and 2 = 0 Then jumpBranch( offset );
- End;
- $d1:Begin { CMP INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp + 1) shl 8) + Y;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- doCompare(A, value );
- End;
- $d5:Begin { CMP ZPX }
- value := memReadByte( popByte + X );
- doCompare(A, value);
- End;
- $d6:Begin { DEC ZPX }
- address := popByte + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- value := value - 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $d8: { CLD (CLear Decimal) }
- P := P and $f7;
- $d9:Begin { CMP ABSY }
- address := popWord + Y;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- doCompare(A, value);
- End;
- $dd:Begin { CMP ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- doCompare(A,value);
- End;
- $de:Begin { DEC ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- value := value - 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte( address, value );
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value = value and $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $e0:Begin { CPX IMM }
- value := popByte;
- doCompare( X, value );
- End;
- $e1:Begin { SBC INDX }
- zp := (popByte+X) and $ff;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8);
- value := memReadByte(address);
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $e4:Begin { CPX ZP }
- value := memReadByte(popByte);
- doCompare( X, value );
- End;
- $e5:Begin { SBC ZP }
- address := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $e6:Begin { INC ZP }
- zp := popByte;
- value := memReadByte(zp);
- value := value + 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte(zp, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $e8:Begin { INX }
- X := (X + 1) and $ff;
- if X <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- if X and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $e9:Begin { SBC IMM }
- value := popByte;
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $ea:; { NOP }
- $ec:Begin { CPX ABS }
- value := memReadByte(popWord);
- doCompare(X, value);
- End;
- $ed:Begin { SBC ABS }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $ee:Begin { INC ABS }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- value := value + 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $f0:Begin { BEQ }
- offset := popByte;
- If P and 2 = 2 Then jumpBranch(offset);
- End;
- $f1:Begin { SBC INDY }
- zp := popByte;
- address := memReadByte(zp) + (memReadByte(zp+1) shl 8);
- value := memReadByte( address + Y );
- testSBC( value );
- End;
- $f5:Begin { SBC ZPX }
- address := (popByte + X) and $ff;
- value := memReadByte( address );
- P := (P and $fe) or (value and 1);
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $f6:Begin { INC ZPX }
- address := popByte + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- value := value + 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- $f8: { SED }
- P := P or 8;
- $f9:Begin { SBC ABSY }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address + Y);
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $fd:Begin { SBC ABSX }
- address := popWord;
- value := memReadByte(address + X);
- testSBC(value);
- End;
- $fe:Begin { INC ABSX }
- address := popWord + X;
- value := memReadByte(address);
- value := value + 1;
- value := value and $ff;
- memStoreByte(address, value);
- If value <> 0 Then P := P and $fd else P := P or $02;
- If value and $80 = $80 Then P := P or $80 else P := P and $7f;
- End;
- Else Begin
- WriteLn('Adresse $', addr2hex(PC), ' - code inconnu ', opcode);
- codeRunning := False;
- End;
- End;
- If (PC = 0) or (Not codeRunning) Then Begin
- WriteLn('Programme terminé à PC=$', addr2hex(PC-1));
- codeRunning := False;
- End;
- End;
- InitEmul;
- Repeat
- ExecEmul;
- Until Not codeRunning;
- END.
- La banque de mémoire est fixé à 16 Ko dans l'exemple du programme. Or, la puce électronique peut supporté jusqu'à 64 Ko, il faudra donc ajuster celle-ci selon vos besoins.
- L'émulateur n'est pas cadencé à une vitesse précise, ainsi, si vous exécutez sur une machine à 2 Ghz, votre puce exécutera le logiciel à la même vitesse. Pour résoudre se problème, il faudra donc ajouter un «Wait State» ou un délai d'attente utilisable avec une instruction comme DELAY dans de nombreuses marques de langage de programmation Pascal.
- Si vous souhaitez intégré d'autres puces électroniques à cette émulateur 6502, vous devrez intercepter les cellules mémoires exécutés par chacune des instructions. Pour y arriver, vous devrez modifier la fonction «memReadByte» en lecture et la procédure memStoreByte en écriture. Par exemple, pour renvoyer systématiquement un nombre aléatoire à partir de la cellule mémoire $FE, vous devriez modifier la fonction «memReadByte» de la façon suivante :
- Un émulateur a souvent tendance a contenir des bogues, mineurs ou majeurs. La raison réside dans le fait qu'il faut effectuer des opérations avec un comportement précis et que si un comportement ne correspond pas à la spécification du fabricant, alors l'émulateur sera donc «boguer », car il ne réagira pas exactement comme le modèle du fabricant. De plus, certaines instructions ne sont pas toujours documentées par le fabricant et certains logiciels exploitent le comportement non documenté du fabricant.
- L'émulateur dans l'exemple a été écrit en Pascal, mais il n'y a aucune limitation empêchant d'écrire un émulateur dans n'importe quel langage de programmation supportant des conditions et des opérateurs binaires et logiques.
Pour affecter directement la mémoire vidéo à une adresse $E000, vous devriez modifier la procédure «memStoreByte» de la façon suivante :